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Zoma´s unfinished business

I can’t sing or paint, but I do enjoy writing. This is something you can do wherever you are, on the beach, waiting at airports, or on vacation with the family when I am up and about hours before they are.

Writing protects me from a feeling of futility, so I always want to have a project ‘on the go’. My first book was Tarifa Inside Out and Round About, a book I should have liked to find when I first came to Tarifa but it didn’t exist – so I wrote it! If interested, please click here to order.

My second book , The Adventures of Bim and Bam – a true love story for young and old – was totally different. Strictly speaking, I wrote this story of my two tortoises for children, in particular for my own grandchildren, but along the way it became a personal story to which many an adult will relate. I published this in a limited edition and have sold largely to friends and guests in Dar Cilla who have read it when in one of our apartments. I still have a small reserve ....

And now my third book – or rather, booklet! Somehow I was surprised to find I had actually turned 80, and I decided to do something with all the notes I had written to myself over the last few years about ageing. These have now been published (July 2015) under the title of ZOMA´s UNFINISHED BUSINESS. This needs some explaining ! ZOMA was the name ascribed to me early in the life of my grandchildren. Oma is the Dutch word for grandma. Pre-fixing it with the Z from Zoë seemed an easy way to individualize me. The translation of the Dutch ‘Zoma is niet zomaar een oma maar onze Zoma´ translates roughly as ‘Zoma is not just anyone’s Zoma but our Zoma’. Endearing. The grandchildren are now in their late teens ....

It is not an autobiography, but is strongly autobiographical in nature. Having lived and worked in eight countries, having been a working

woman all my life and an entrepreneur for most of it and still working at age 80, it is from this perspective, and that of an experienced widow, that I share my experiences and thoughts in this book. I certainly ‘lay my soul bare’ but I am pretty confident that any one reading it will do so with a smile. It is subtitled ´´ Managing your life at any age or stage´ and is virtually a collection of sundry thoughts on turning 80. It has already caused some hilarious discussions with guests who have read it when in the Dar Cilla apartments – what would YOU add to the list of ´ Things I don´t do any more´ ???

This is available through ISBN-13: 978-1508587019 at €.13.75 without postage.

A copy is in each of the Dar Cilla apartments, so why not come here and enjoy it while lounging on our fabulous roof terrace?

My next book in the WILBY series is entitled Bear With Me .... but whether it will ever be remains to be seen.


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